Hypnosis is controlled daydreaming, controlled trance. You are gaining control not losing it.
One way to understand trance is as automatic behavior – when we are not thinking about what we are doing. There are good trances – zoning out as we run or get involved in a project – and bad trances – when we react with anger or addictive behavior.
But most trances are uncontrolled, triggered by something outside ourselves – an old song gets played on the radio and we are back in high school, someone questions our abilities or intelligence and we are back in grade school when we couldn’t answer the teacher’s question and the class laughed at us. Or maybe someone gives us “that” look and we are back on the playground feeling rejected or put down. You may not have registered these memories as thoughts but your body has registered them as feelings.
How often have you wondered and regretted an overreaction to something someone said or did? That behavior is the result of uncontrolled trance, perhaps the effect of unresolved trauma. Trauma does not have to be major to have an impact on how we behave. It can seem like a small thing – looking back. It can be as simple as feeling ridiculed by fellow students’ laughter when we made a mistake in class, or being called stupid by someone important to us. It could be feeling rejected when we made an attempt to connect to another human being.
What we can do in hypnosis is take back control. Take control of our reactions, our emotions, our life. What uncontrolled trance share is an emotion we don’t like or don’t want to deal with. It is an emotion that we have learned we can make go away, at least temporarily, by lashing out or smoking or eating or drinking or gambling or some other hurtful behavior.
It is important to understand that an emotion is a physical sensation tied to a thought. Perhaps an agitation coupled with the thought, “I can’t deal with this now,” or “I can’t bear any more of this right now.” We want to separate the sensation from the negative thought.
So the first thing hypnosis can do is to help us become more sensitive to your physical sensations. Over time, automatic or addictive behavior leads us to ignore our body’s messages. At some time in the past, we didn’t like what our body was telling us so we turned it off. We no longer wanted to hear what our body was telling us. We became insensitive to the feelings and sensations in our body.
But sensation is the language of our body. It is what anchors us in the present – what makes us feel alive and strong. Whenever we are feeling stuck or in a rut, it means we are replaying old memories and not hearing or responding to the ever changing, ever evolving, present time bundle of sensations that we are.
There is a whole universe inside of you. There is energy, precision, the miracle of life inside each and every one of us that can never cease to amaze us when we allow ourselves to experience it. When we get separated from that source of wisdom and energy, our lives become routine and without direction. But we have a choice. We can choose to give ourselves the time and space to recapture that amazement. Hypnosis is one way to do that.
Author Archives: Loretta Rippee
Hypnosis is amazing and natural
Hypnosis is amazing and insightful but very natural. Too much has been written and portrayed that elevates hypnosis to an almost supernatural level, but nothing is further from the truth. Hypnosis is one of the most natural states we have. Hypnotic brain waves are the brain waves we have had from earliest childhood. At its deepest, hypnosis is nonverbal and feeling based – that is why it can be the source of the most helpful and honest solutions.
We have a busy mind and a quiet mind. Our busy mind is where we do things in the world – we communicate verbally, we read, we do most of our work. We are responding to demands from the world and people around us. Our quiet mind is where we create and imagine. It is where we make connections that weren’t there before. Hypnosis helps us access our quiet mind.
As adults we are too often in the beta brain waves – our busy mind. This is especially true for our current time, with all the demands from technology and the constant barrage of news and data. Life is fast and our brains stay in fast mode to handle it. But there are some things that require the slow waves of relaxation and solitude. Things like inspiration and creativity. Feelings of joy and awe.
We are often starved for joy and awe! We have lost sight of that childlike sense of wonder that exists inside of us. Now more than ever, everything is on a schedule. When is the last time you “strolled.” When do you lose track of time? What can you do to enter the zone? Hypnosis can help to rekindle a sense of wonder.